Laboratory Spokane

Laboratory Spokane


 Spokane, CA, Unknown

We’re looking for proposals for all scales of interactive light and new media for a mixed indoor/outdoor festival in September. Artists would spend July, August and part of September, creating these works for our upcoming light festival the weekend of May 9th. Specifically that pertain to Spokane’s environmental issues, climate change and water conservation.

Proposals that highlight the beauty, nature and history of Spokane and the river will also be considered.

We ask that you put together a two-page proposal (No longer than that unless you include photo/video examples. You will be asked to rework this if it is longer.) consisting of the following Core Application and Project Proposal, and e-mail it to

Please submit it as a single attached file, smaller than 10mb or so, since we have to send all of these to our jury.

Send us the following:

Core Application (1 page)

A 2 to 3 paragraph bio, focused on what you’re interested in and passionate about artistically, your practice and what draws you to interactive art.
A link to your portfolio website
A brief summary of your work history/experience
How you found out about Laboratory!
Project Proposal (1 page, extra images/drawings don’t count against that)
Make sure to be as specific as possible, and within the realms of our resources as a small organization. If you couldn’t do this project with 2-3 people helping you, it may not be a good fit for our residency.