Create New Profile

New to the Creative Directory? Sign up for your FREE profile now! Available to everyone who works in the creative industries that serve Napa County.

Why Create A Profile?

  • Creative Directory Napa Valley is your direct connection to hirers seeking out creative professionals of all genres across Napa County. Creating a profile will allow hirers to search for and contact you with jobs, gigs, commission opportunities and more related to your skillset!
  • Creatives also have access to our regularly updated Opportunities Board which hosts job, professional development, grant, artist call, audition, and other creative opportunities.

Everyone can sign up for their FREE Creative Profile, but take a moment to consider investing in a FEATURED Creative Profile for higher visibility.

Not sure if a Featured Creative Profile is right for you right now? No problem, you can always upgrade later if you choose to.

Register for your FREE Creative Profile here:

First name
Last name
Country (*)
Confirm password

Already have a profile account? Log in here

IMPORTANT! Anyone UNDER 18 must have their parents approval to participate in this service. We reserve the right to edit submissions for grammar, style and accuracy. We may also choose to omit any profile at our discretion.

Browse our directory of local creative individuals and organizations!



Do you have questions? Or maybe you’re wondering who is responsible for this resource and want to support them? Look no further than the Arts Council Napa Valley.

Give us a call @ 707-257-2117


Donate today!

Your support ensures that the Creative Directory and all of ACNV's services remain free to the community!